This snapshot of the HRLDAS Git repository contains Noah-MP code consistent with the WRF v3.7 release. Notes on how to generate forcing files and running the system can be found here: HRLDAS/docs/ HRLDAS v3.7 Release Notes ============================ New capabilities: 1. A parallel capability has been added by Wei Yu ( to support mpi only. To compile with parallel version edit the file 'user_build_options' uncommment the compiler section with MPI (available for pgf90 and ifort compilers) To compile with sequential version edit the file 'user_build_options' uncommment the compiler section without MPI 2. System setup and execution now requires only a WRF/WPS geo_em file. Dependence on the wrfinput file has been removed. 3. As part of #2, initialization no longer occurs in the first forcing file, but in the file listed in the namelist as: HRLDAS_SETUP_FILE = "" The initialization fields are: SNOW,CANWAT,TSK,TSLB,SMOIS This file also contains the static grid/domain information: XLAT,XLONG,TMN,HGT,SEAICE,MAPFAC_MX,MAPFAC_MY,SHDMAX,SHDMIN,XLAND,IVGTYP,ISLTYP,DZS,ZS This file can also contains some optional fields: LAI NOTE: a WRF input file can be used as a HRLDAS_SETUP_FILE 4. The timing structure has changed: - The initial conditions are the states at START time. - First forcing file used is START time + FORCING_TIMESTEP - First integration is START time + NOAH_TIMESTEP - First output file is now START time + OUTPUT_TIMESTEP - RESTART file states are consistent with OUTPUT file states with the same time stamp 5. Instructions for using GLDAS and NLDAS as forcing has been provided in addition to the NARR instructions (see /docs) Also, a NCL script has been included for preparing single- or multi-point forcing 6. Initial LAI (if present in the HRLDAS_SETUP_FILE) will be used to initialize the leaf and stem carbon pools 7. Removed dependence on external GRIB tables for forcing creation; now in namelist only